Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 Questions

1. If you had to be another species what would you be?

2. If you had your own reality show what would you name it?

3. Ever broken a bone? How?

4. If you had 10 days to live how would you spend them?

For Meredith (and anyone else), answer one above, your choice!


Meesh said...

#1. Hands down, I'd be a dolphin

Meredith said...


2. MMM (my initials)

3. My brother pushed me down the stairs right before the 1st day of 4th grade. Broke my foot and had a bright pink cast up to my knee. I have also cut my chin open twice in the same spot, hurt my wrist snowboarding, and hurt it again playing lazer tag (with SHM!)

4. TRAVELING and spending lots of money on delicious food and pretty clothes/shoes.

Meesh said...

P.S. for #3 - Despite my reckless lifestyle I have only ever broken two bones... my right pinky finger and my right pinky toe. Weird huh?