Monday, June 13, 2011


My biggest personal goal for the long term is to become more efficient. I hope to learn how to utilize my free time better and make it a habit. Too often I let chunks of time waste away while I sit on the couch watching re-runs of tv shows that I don't even like. Instead, I could be accomplishing small things like ironing clothes, cleaning out my inbox, or organizing my desk. If I can learn to take advantage of small windows of opportunity, I feel like I will accomplish more things and not be as overwhelmed when it comes to deadlines... both personally and professionally.

On a professional level, my biggest goal for the long term would be to steer my profession to something that I really enjoy or am passionate about. I'm an avid sports fan and enjoy music as well. As a business major, I feel like there is a lot of opporunity in both of these fields. Hopefully I make the right connections and find my niche doing something that makes me happy.

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