Thursday, June 30, 2011

fave class

Ok, I know I'm going to sound like a total dork but my favorite class + professor combo has been my Econ 201 class (macroeconomics). He almost convinced me to add a economics concentration but I decided not to. Professor Laincz really made it a point to make sure his students understood what he was talking about. Econ can be god awful if you have a bad professor and he actually made it fun. He used real life examples and really showed you how what he was talking about actually applies to the real world. Besides being a great teacher he's also a super nice person. To this day (I took his class last fall) he remembers my name and says hi to me everytime I see him around campus (which is a quality that I think is rare in most professors). I'm definitely going to take more of his econ classes - he was an awesome teacher and I actually think econ is interesting :) (not interesting enough to make a career out of it, though. haha)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


For the past two years most of my classes at Drexel have been general ed classes such as some sciences, math, English, psychology, and communications; none of which I loved. Freshman year I did take three anatomy classes all of which I loved (hence why I want to be a nurse and not an English or math major!) Although they were all very challenging I learned so much. My professor, Dr. Haroian was great. He really reached out to his students making sure they really understood the material. Going to the lab each friday was exciting because you were able to learn the material hands on. I also have the attention span of a 5 year old and don't really like sitting in the classroom so the lab was a good change. I am happy to say that I will never have to take a math or english class ever again and look forward to starting more classes related to nursing in the fall! :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Drexel Classes

As of now I've only taken the prerequisite core courses within Business Administration. Consequently, none of them proved to be of much value from an academic or career standpoint.

I honestly tried really hard to think of one class that was memorable... but nothing stands out. Probably because I was half asleep for all of them (or passed out on my desk depending on the class). I did take a writing elective class which was kinda memorable I guess. The professor wasn't too demanding yet brought a lot of energy to the class which forced me to stay attentive. After the term was over, she invited me to join the certificate program..which I did. Hopefully that turns out to be something of value.

In the fall, I'll be taking more in-depth business classes so hopefully something peeks my interest and leads me down the career path I want to take.
ok bye.


The most valuable class I've taken was Kligman's Non-Profit Marketing because I met Todd and Ashley and got this co-op! The class itself wasn't very challenging, but it opened doors for me. Also, I always got Starbucks because I had to come straight from practice, which was awesomeeeee.

The most I've learned in a class was my Publication Design class. The prof. is insane - known to make people cry - and I didn't like it during, because the work load was intense and I sometimes felt lost, but in being lost, I learned a lot about designing things on your own.

DU Dogma

What has been the most valuable/memorable class you've taken at Drexel so far?

This could include reasons like an impactful professor, useful lessons, classroom dynamics, etc.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


One of my scariest memories (and granted, I could tell you about a million stories because I am almost scared of everything) was when I was staying in a friend's lakehouse that had a third floor where the whole back wall was a window overlooking the lake. Beautiful during the day, scary at night. My friend and I were watching What Lies Beneath, which is a really scary movie that takes place.... ON A LAKE when my friend's older brother was babysitting us (we were maybe 11, 12 age range) and he locked us in the room (who puts locks on the outsides of doors... creepy...) so we panicked and screamed and yelled until the neighbors came over asking if we were okay and he had to let us out. I never went back to their lakehouse again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mascots + Bugs/Critters = Bad News

I have two HUGE fears and their both completely ridiculous but also completely legitimate. Here it goes:

1. MASCOTS. It's actually really funny that this is our question for the week because Debra and I were just talking about this yesterday. I hate hate hate hate hate hate anything with a costume. Clowns, mascots, Santa, you name it, I won't go near it. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. My mom tried really hard for me to sit on Santa's lap for the first 5 years of my life and I kicked and screamed and wasted her money each and every time so she gave up. Sport's mascots? Forgetaboutit. My dad took me to a Met's game (we had free tickets... we're actually Yankee's fans) and he had a free pass to get a picture with Mr. Met. Well, I was like 14 at the time and I literally shook sitting next to him. I still have the picture and my Dad is sitting close to him like a normal person would and I'm almost out of the frame I'm so far away from him. I have no plan to get rid of this fear. I think they're creepy and I don't want strange people dressed up in even stranger costumes coming anywhere near me.

2. BUGS. Ugh how I hate bugs. We have these weird crickets in our basement (their like infesting the east coast of Jersey... they're literally everywhere and they are not normal crickets they're these crazy "secret cave" crickets that can jump over your head) and I shake every time I go down there. I've learned that loud noises scare them away so lately I've been going down there with pots and pans to scare them off. But it's not just those crickets that scare me; basically anything that is bigger than an ant that looks weird and can crawl/jump on you freaks me out. I don't think I'm going to make a plan to get rid of this fear either. I do I pretty good job in avoiding them and I think I'm just going to stick with that :)

Creepy creepy

Speaking of fears... last night my roommates convinced me to watch the new horror movie, The Roommate. Although they were all scared to begin with, my squealing, obsessive eye and ear covering (if you hum while you cover your ears you hear less), and screaming brought them a comic relief during the movie. Not to mention, the last scarey movie I watched was Saw in highschool and I fell asleep in the movie theater because I closed my eyes so much.

Overall I would say I am a pretty adventerous person. I love heights and don't mind bugs. Besides being terrified of scarey movies, I would say my biggest fear is dying. I don't like to think about it and the thought of what happens next really creeps me out... if it was up to me I'd live forever! :)

biggest fear

I can honestly say that it takes a lot to truly scare me... but I definitely have a little thing with heights. Probably because I'd imagine falling to my death would be one of the worst ways to go out, next to drowning.

Last summer I went to 6 flags for the first time with some friends from back home. I knew I would hate it; unfortunately so did my 'friends' and thats why they forced me to go. The concept behind a rollercoaster doesn't really make much sense to me. Some people see it as a thrill... really its just a waste of 2 hours in line that results in 30 seconds of anxiety.
As we stood in line for each ride, my friends argued about who would have the pleasure of sitting next to me and tormenting me along the way. My one buddy even went as far to unbuckle my seat belt as one of the rides started. I probably would have snapped on him if I wasnt too occupied with securing myself into place. After several rides I became desensitized to the whole thing. I will admit that there was a certain sense of relief when we found out that the tallest/fastest coaster (Kingda Ka) was closed for the day.
I plan on facing this fear by keeping my two feet firmly planted on the ground in the future.

Heights, Spiders, Needles?

What is your biggest fear?
Describe an event when you were tested with this fear or explain how you plan to overcome it.

Monday, June 20, 2011


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

I would use a sailing one, I know. I think this quote really demostrates the need to do what you love in your life, even if it's not the most realistic decision. I think I realized around my sophopmore year of high school that life is too short to let it pass by. Ever since I realized that I think I've grown as a person and have genuinely had more fun.

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." - E.E. Cummings

This one was my senior quote in high school. Kind of bouncing off the last one, around sophopmore year, I guess, I realized that life is supposed to be fun. I think this quote demostrates that perfectly. I laugh every day and I think that's one of the most important things you can do.

catching up!

Finally my blogger is working again! (So to catch up from last week..)

When it comes to my goals in life I am continuously making new ones. Although I have tons of personal goals, because its what motivates me each day, some long term personal goals would consist of winning a CAA championship, having a family of my own, and making tons of money so my mom doesnt have to work anymore and we can travel anywhere and everywhere! Professionally, my goal is to find a job that makes me happy and allows me to enjoy life! Although I continuously change my mind, currently I would like to be a nurse practitioner.

I think that there are many inspiring quotes out there and I enjoyed reading the ones everyone else posted! Two I always think of are:

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perserverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."
I love this quote because it speaks about what success truly is. It's about enjoying every moment of life and when times get tough it reminds me why I do the things I do.

"Kill it with confidence"
If you are confident in yourself others will be confident in you too and with confidence your always winning :)


"Why try to fit in when you're a standout"

"I don't follow the path I'm creating my own to leave a trail."

These are both quotes from different songs and I feel like they go hand-in-hand with each other. I wouldn't say that I exemplify either quote but I feel that I live my life on my own accord.

I never really followed fads or whats popular for the sake of being "in". Whether it was music, sports, or politics I always had my own opinions growing up and I took pride in being able to back them up without being swayed by the popular belief. Rarley did I buy something just because "everyone else had it" or "everyone else was doing it". If I did, it was usually because I genuinely took interest in it on my own behalf. Generally, I just stick to my own beliefs and run my own course without paying much attention to what everyone else is doing/saying/acting.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not very decisive...

I can't choose one, but there are three that I have posted in my room. I actually collect quotes so I have like a million in my mind right now (I also own a ton of Quotables products, they are my favorite!)

1. Do what you want and say what you feel because people that matter don't mind and people that mind don't matter. -Dr. Suess
-My mom gave me a poster with this on it for my sixteeth birthday. I got my sister a mug with is for hers. Great life lesson to learn in high school

2. Do one thing each day that scares you. -Eleanor Roosevelt
-My photo teacher that had me all 4 years of high school gave me a card that has this quote on it for graduation. I am scared of EVERYTHING and she always told me how important is was to face your fears to grow as a person.

3. Life is short. Eat dessert first. -Jacques Torres
-We have a magnet of this in my kitchen!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Life To Live (not the soap opera)

What motto/quote do you most live by?
How do you live up to this adage?

Monday, June 13, 2011


My biggest personal goal for the long term is to become more efficient. I hope to learn how to utilize my free time better and make it a habit. Too often I let chunks of time waste away while I sit on the couch watching re-runs of tv shows that I don't even like. Instead, I could be accomplishing small things like ironing clothes, cleaning out my inbox, or organizing my desk. If I can learn to take advantage of small windows of opportunity, I feel like I will accomplish more things and not be as overwhelmed when it comes to deadlines... both personally and professionally.

On a professional level, my biggest goal for the long term would be to steer my profession to something that I really enjoy or am passionate about. I'm an avid sports fan and enjoy music as well. As a business major, I feel like there is a lot of opporunity in both of these fields. Hopefully I make the right connections and find my niche doing something that makes me happy.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Reach for the Stars

Personal Goal: I absolutely positively need to get back into shape. I've lost basically all running ability I used to have and that needs to come back ASAP. My mom does a great job keeping up with it and she can totally kick my butt any day of the week. Considering her and I are built identically (minus the part that she's skinnier because she runs more) I know I need to start doing it to at least stay the same size I am now. Also, this kind of ties along with my professional goal but I'll put it here: I absolutely need to have a house on the ocean/bay and a very large boat. Actually... multiple boats. So I better get a damn good job because I know none of that will be cheap!

Professionally: After graduation, or even in one of my co-ops at Drexel, I want to get a corporate job. I love working here and the feel of a small company but I think corporate America is where I belong. I know everyone says it gets really old after a while but I at least want to give it a shot. You never know until you try!

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today

Biggest personal long term goal:
I'd like to just post my official bucket list here but I think I should hone in on one specific item. Aside from falling madly in love, my most sought after long term goals are to travel, volunteer, and be someone's hero. Killing three birds with one stone, I'd like to be able to combine these and volunteer around the world, (hopefully) changing at least one person's life forever. I want to experience the vast cultures that diversify the globe and better understand the treasures in life that I've most likely taken for granted.

Biggest professional long term goal:
My professional ambitions have been continuously changing ever since I was first asked the question, "What do you want tot be when you grow up?" At first my response was to be a veterinarian, later it became an architect, and now I am a marketing assistant. My dad's advice has always been to figure out what hobby you enjoy most and turn that into a career. (He loves marine biology so he teaches science at a high school, runs an aquaculture club, and works on fishing boats in the summer) My ultimate goal would be to attend a grad school program for marine mammals and get a job training dolphins.

Dreamin' Big!

Personally - a goal of mine is to save enough money that I can trick out my kitchen with a brick oven to make pizza and awesome appliances like a KitchenAid mixer, pasta roller, and baking supplies of course!

Professionally - a goal of mine is to work in the graphic design/marketing business world after graduation, once I'm used to real world lifestyle, get my MBA and focus on entrepreneurship. Then I want to start a bakery with my mom and coach swimming on the side!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bloggity Blog Blog

What is your biggest personal long term goal?
What is your biggest professional long term goal?