Monday, February 8, 2010


An interesting question Meredith...and I find myself actually agreeing with Jake which somewhat scares me :->.

Success is a moving target in every sense of the word, and with far more than just one piece/definition in play at any one point in time.

That being said, more often than not, I do see success as being much more about the effort than the outcome. I guess that's because effort is all we can really control and more often than not, working just a little bit harder than the next person will set you apart - there is a lot of truth to the statement that "to win the game you have to play the game" and that's all about effort/work ethic.

I think you also asked how we made today a great day...I'm honestly not sure on that one, at least for today...maybe my answer is as simple as I helped folks sleep in a little extra this AM (oh wait, that was really mother nature)...I actually think I'm going to go back to effort - if you're effort is there...your days are more likely to turn from average into great.

So Meredith...I posted today and can't wait for my prize...perhaps no FB or Google Chat for a week? Or you'll come visit a little more often? Sorry - couldn't resist :->

1 comment:

Meredith said...

according to my myers-briggs type, i am a very social person. I can't help it!

also, it's 12:02am right now. I'm going to sleep, I promise.