Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Insert Clever Title Here.

Today we took a field trip to Cooper Hospital in the never so lovely Camden, NJ.
Thirteen of us sat down with a group of about ten hospitalists and had the opportunity to learn what they do, why they do it, and what they think of our society.

The one thing we all took away from this was that there is constant change in the hospital medicine program. We learned that they think the most valuable learning comes from meeting pre-courses, and we, as well as they, are curious as to how we can better reach out to students and residents in order to sway them into a field in hospital medicine.

Some ideas that were thrown around were to have separate sections during meetings for students, and to create a "how to teach hospital medicine" rather than approaching a group and teaching them about different areas of it.

If you had to convince a student or resident into committing to a career in hospital medicine, what tools and talking points would you use to make them convinced that this career is the best choice for them?

Please answer this question no later than August 14. :)

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