Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We're off to a good start...

Welcome to Collective Reality - our attempt to share with you a little bit about life inside a non-profit membership and marketing department.

I've been meaning to write a "welcome to our blog" message (seems that's how they all start) for about a week now, but my sense of urgency picked up when I went online yesterday and found my fellow contributors have already hit the ground running. I think that speaks well for their being fresh content from a wide variety of perspectives over the coming year and beyond.

Our core blogging team are our marketing assistants (co-op students from Drexel University), along with the full time staff who regularly work with them (me included). We've put this blog together for a couple of reasons including the opportunity to chronicle our collective reality in hopes of learning from it, but also to expand our knowledge of web 2.0 technologies by living within them. I also hope that by sharing a little bit of our world, we can increase the collective knowledge and learning within the association community...after all, sometimes it's just good to know that you're not the only own going through a particular issue or that others use the same approach a problem you're facing.

Welcome to our online experiment...I have no clue where this will take us and have put no restrictions (other than good taste and writing only things you would want your parents to read in print) on all of the contributors...I supsect that over time, you'll find this blog filled with posts on not only the business side of what we do (campaigns, direct mail, press releases, etc) but also on the human side of a non profit work place (conflict, self-doubt, confidence, collaboration).

When it's all said and done, I hope that we've helped to expand the conversation (define as you'd like) in some small way.

Enjoy the ride

1 comment:

acboenisch said...

Don't forget that obnoxious Graphic Designer in the core blogging team too!