Friday, January 28, 2011

Great Success

Success is achieving your goal in life, and motivation is keeping your goal in mind, and making sure you stay on that path.

And there's no such thing as too much Borat.

More about what I think on stuff.

To me, success means liking yourself and what you do and how you do it.

Motivation can come from outside forces (fear, reward, society, money, etc) but I believe self-motivation is the only truly lasting/most powerful form. It is a combination of determination, persistence and resolve.

In my own words...

Success: Failure turned inside out, falling down seven times, and standing up eight!

Motivation: Take risks, always do what you are afraid to do, and keep hope alive.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Define success and motivation in your own words.

Credit for this question goes to Puja Patel :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

The ability to have no weakness is my greatest strength

Pause... Not.

My strengths I would say are: driven, efficient, and strong-minded
Weaknesses: It is incredibly painful to double check my work.


got it: ability to adapt to change

need it: time management with tasks, focus.


Strengths: Well organized (like to be neat with all my work), creative, and hard working.
Weakness: Focusing!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

They Call Me Superman

strengths: x-ray vision, bullet proof skin, and superhuman strength
weaknesses: i just care too much!

Monday, January 17, 2011

This list has never changed


strengths: leadership, communication, writing.

weaknesses: listening.

Since you guys are coming to the end of your co-ops and some of you will have to reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses, I'm going to cheat off of one of Greg's questions from last week.

What are some of your strengths?
What are some of your weaknesses?

Make sure your answers are reflective of what you have learned about yourself in the past 4 months at SHM.

What would you do?

1. What is one thing that everybody should know about you?

2. If you could elect one person for president, who would it be and why?

3. If you received $1 million, would you keep it for yourself or give it away?

4. What is your biggest strength, and what it your biggest weakness?

5. Who would win in a fight a taco or a grilled cheese?

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Four Questions...

My Four Questions...

  1. What is your favorite TV show of all time, and why?
  2. Define success and motivation in your own words
  3. Are you a spender or saver? What would you do if you had a million dollars?
  4. Tell a funny story that occured either in the past or something recent! (Could be anything)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Too serious for a first date.

1. What is one misconception people have about you?

2. Do you have a favorite quotation? What is it?

3. So far, what has been the biggest challenge you had to overcome at SHM?

4. What was the best advice you have ever received? Who gave it? (in regards to life, work, whatever)

*Bonus: Pet peeves- have any? What are they?


4 questions.

1) What is your life plan (idealistically, not realistically)? Take us down the road about 25 years.
2) What is one of your biggest regrets in life and what have you learned from it.
3) What is something you secretly dream about doing, but are too busy, distracted, etc. to actually sit down and do it.
4)What is one thing you wish people knew about you?

That is all!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Four Questions...

  1. What is your favorite TV show of all time, and why?
  2. Define success and motivation in your own words
  3. Are you a spender or saver? What would you do if you had a million dollars?
  4. Tell a funny story that occured either in the past or something recent! (Could be anything)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sometimes, it's really hard to think of a question.

SO If you were in charge of the blog for a month, what four questions would you ask?

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Already!?

Well let's see.
To take care of myself first and foremost,emotionally, physically, mentally, and spritiually.
I think in 2010 I fell off the self health wagon so I'm looking for a healthier and brighter 2011.



Another chance for us to get it right!

Though I have many more than the three listed below, these are my top three!

1. To get extra hours of sleep, whenever possible.

2. Go to the gym more often!

3. Pass my HESI(Health Education Systems, Inc.) exam on my first try this summer.

Cheers to a New Year!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So this is the New Year

2011 Resolutions.

1. Go abroad- 2010 was a great year but my only complaint was the fact I didn't get any new stamps in my passport! Though I took a few great trips last year, in 2011 I hope to find a co-op abroad in Germany and take my adventures overseas.

2. Be more domestic - Organizing, making dinner, doing laundry, blahblahblah. Definitely need work in that department

3. Get a part time job- I really miss working in customer service, growing up I served in restaurants and worked retail. Since quitting Starbucks freshman year and starting co-ops I haven't really had that in my life. Luckily I've got a jumpstart on this one and you guys can come visit me at Sava's!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Most are Inappropriate

One that I can discuss is a very cliche resolution. I will start working out regularly on a daily basis. Spring break is coming fast and I've always felt uncomfortable at the beach scene. Not this year! I'm also going to be running more so that when the warmer weather comes I can do some races and runs for charity.

Number two, I'm going to get scuba certified. It's not cheap so I'm going to have to save. Plus, it's hard to save with my current occupation.

#3, after i get scuba certified, volunteer at the jersey aqarium feeding sharks.

Here's to 2011!
I'm back from vacation! Happy New Year's!

What are your resolutions?