So here I am…sitting here on my last day at 4:15 thinking about packing up all of my stuff and remembering when my desk was so empty on my first day. It sure has been quite an experience and it will be one that I will never forget. I have learned so much about not only the working world, but myself. Coming into this co-op, I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. SHM has truly shown me so many new things about myself and it is because of the people that taught me along the way.
Meredith: Dang. What am I going to do without you every Monday to Friday? I’m probably going to go through withdrawal or something. You were my little buddy throughout this entire experience and I literally don’t know what I would’ve done without you. Can we please have play dates ASAP? I’ll most definitely be coming in to have lunch with you. Miss you lady!
Jake: Hey there buddy! Thanks for all the jokes these past 6 months. I know I’ll be seeing you around campus and you better not ignore me when I scream your name…because I will.
Christine: Where do I begin? You have made this co-op experience more amazing than I could’ve ever imagined. You taught me so much and really made me feel like I was part of the family. From the first day to the last you answered all of my questions and I know you loved it! Thank you so much for everything! It has been a joy being your MA and good luck with school and everything!
Vernita: Vernitz!! I’m going to miss passing your desk all the time and hearing you say “CARLYYY!” Thank you for including me in the booth…it was such a great experience! Good luck with your masters! Keep up those 100% on your tests! PS – I’m mad at you for not saying bye!
Ashley: Hey lady! Working with you on the promo products was probably my most rewarding experience. You knew exactly what type of change I needed! Thanks for everything!
Katie: I will forever remember our lunch’s at John’s. Thank the lord we didn’t have a “3rd” one. Hopefully see you in Florida! Can’t wait for the wedding ;)
Celisse: Thanks for the fun chats. I’ll miss hearing you call “Kaaat?” everyday multiple times a day!
Kari: Thanks for everything!! Hopefully I’ll see you again soon outside of the office! Except this time it won’t be a secret!
Jacqui: Even though we haven’t spent much time working together, I know you’re going to be great here. You’re so nice and aren’t afraid to speak your mind. Enjoy it!
Kat: I’m gonna miss you saying “bless you” every time I sneeze! Thanks for putting up with my random questions and requests! I hope you marry that flyer soon…I expect to be invited to the wedding missy.
John: I will forever remember “Why not?” It is definitely my new slogan for life. Thanks for everything!
Todd: You truly are the reason why this co-op program is so unique. You make it one of a kind and I can speak for all of the past MA’s when I say we greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for everything you’ve taught me, and even though I didn’t like when you said “I trust you” I know you meant it for the best. Maybe I’ll see you in class…uh oh :)
Thanks again for everything!! I’ll miss you all and don’t worry…I’ll be thinking of you next week when I’m soaking up that Florida sun!
Friday, March 19, 2010
the laaast post!
Thanks a Bunch!
Thanks a bunch!
I just wanted to say thank you to Carly and Jake for everything that you have done here. Everything you completed here has made a difference and I want to thank you both for that. A special shout out for Meredith who has helped me and the other MA’s through this process … don’t ever want to do this without you! As for Jake, thank you for the laughs and for everything you did here. As for Carly, I feel as though I must write a little something extra for you! Thank you for everything you have shown me while you were here. You not only learned a lot about yourself but you taught me a lot too. I’ve learned more about being a leader and I want to thank you for that. Little did you know … you were a great teacher to me as well! Keep up your confidence because you have proven yourself here and I want to exude a new found confidence in your work and your ability. It has been a please working with you.
For laughs & Memories …
Jake: I will always remember you as Sweet Little Baby Jesus, Bringing in the Volleyball to get John and I in trouble, and you bugging me every Friday! I’m going to miss you!
Carly: I will always remember watching Deal or No Deal at lunch, working with you every day, the day you got accepted to go to Prague and I will personally take with me everything you taught me throughout your time here! Come back and visit!
Meredith: Not sure if I am supposed to say something about you … but I will always remember our rubber band wars, your “original crew” and our lunch time chats. You will be back so see you soon!
I want to leave you with one final thought …. “You cannot change what happens, you can only change how your react to it!” Please take what you learned here and make the best of it. Hopefully this experience can take you further then you imagined. And please … help TVD say “he knew you when”!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Is Change Necessary?
It's always hard to lower your expectations, but it's necessary to give everyone a fair shot.
I will always be Vernita, but tweaks are needed in our journey through life.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
It's Monday. It's Jake & Carly's final Monday here at SHM. It is my final Monday as a co-op student, ever. It's the final blog post in Collective Reality for some of us.
SO let's take this final post as a "final goodbyes, thoughts, etc." Write you goodbye letter and final thoughts for those to come, those who have been here, and those who are currently here. You can write to each individual person (in your department, obviously), or to your department as a whole.
We did this last March, so if you want to see what I' m talking about, check out the post I wrote last year.
Friday, March 12, 2010
PS - Did I say thank you?
Well I hope I’ll be hanging around here … my review is sneaking up on me lol. I learned many things over the past 6 months. I learned a lot about myself. I learned a lot about my leadership style and what is effective and what isn’t. All of that learning came directly from my friends on the other side of the wall. Carly was my inspiration throughout these past 6 months. She stepped in and took control and I don’t know what I am going to do without her. She helped me realize different training methods as well as trusting that she can take on more than I had hoped. I’m gonna miss ya kid! And, Meredith I will forever be grateful for your leadership throughout the MA process as well as for all the laughs. Thanks for being my partner in rubber band wars! And Jake … AKA Buddy or Sweet Little Baby Jesus, thank you for always coming to visit me on Friday for my dashboard and helping me realize how I can help you get your work done as efficiently as possible. (Oh and Kat … you aren’t in here because you are a FULL-TIMER now, but I still love ya!)
This round of MA’s has shown me how to make this process better. From going through this a second time, I realize now what works, what needs improvement, and how to prepare for the next round of MA’s. I appreciate all that the MA’s have taught me and am inspired by everything that I learned. I want to thank the MA’s for everything that they have completed as well as everything they taught me. Also, one special shout out for Carly … because she had to put up with me for 6 months.
Cant wait for my last blog post....
I wish I was in North Carolina
Come April, when I start working here part-time, and NOT as an intern/co-op, etc. (finally), my role will be working in HR with Krystal, and pretty much learning what it takes to run a department with Todd. I don't have much to say about it, except that I am really excited to get more experience in different aspects of business. Hopefully it will help me decide what I want to do for a career.
I'm anxious to see the co-op results on Tuesday, and I hope the transition is smooth! YAY!
Happy Friday
Thursday, March 11, 2010
bye bye birdie...
Monday, March 8, 2010
dot dot dot
10 more days.
The end is near! (For some of us, anyway)
So for those of us moving on: What will you be looking for in your next co-op? If you don't have another co-op, what would you like to be doing once you graduate?
For those of us staying: What did you learn in these past 6 months, that you hope to continue, or change with the new round of Drexel students we have coming in?
Special question for Kat: when will you be coming home at 5pm with me again!? Love yaaa.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Along with Meredith, I am also going on Erin Express this weekend! Woot I'm legal! My friends and I got shirts designed and my nick name is car-bomb...pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Compliments of miss Emily Woods! Have a fantastic weekend!
In the next 2 weeks, I would like to accomplish...
I can't believe its March already!
Update the QI Assistant Toolkit ( It had all the resources for the next intern explaining her tasks in detail)
Thats my coop goal and I would also want to complete the staff development project that I was recently given. I don't think I am expected to complete it because it might take a while, but I would want to at least provide the next intern a platform so its easy for her to finish it.
As far as personal goals are concerned, the more people remind me about just 2 weeks left till the coop ends, I am reminded of my Dental Admission tests which is exactly in 2 weeks too. I am really nervous because I've been studying for this exam for at least 6 months now and I just have those 4 hours of exam to prove myself. Hopefully I'll do fine..
Have a great weekend everyone!
most pathetic post ever
-Progress on the MA website
-RESOURCE GUIDE...come onnnn
That's pretty much the two pieces I would be really proud to complete. Unfortunately, more important things keep getting in the way. AHHHH.
I'm seeing Alice in Wonderland tonight in 3-D, I am pumped.
Also, I am experiencing my very first Erin Express tomorrow! AHH Wish me luck.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Branding Sess
It won't be long
Can you believe we only have three more weeks of co-op? I can't believe this is my very last co-op. I've been looking forward to this day for literally 3 years. I'M ALMOST DONE COLLEGE.
Anyways, with three weeks left, what is the one thing you really want to accomplish?
Vernita - since you're a full-timer, what is something you might change when the new co-ops start? What will you keep the same?